Managing Through with Resilience
Thank goodness for my meditation practice. These days it is my best tool for reflecting reasonably on what is happening around me and freeing me up to use my resilience. I am resilient. I know I’m resilient. But that does not stop me from getting wound up in upset and anxiety. Just like most people, anxiety interferes with my ability to use my resilience tools.
When I meditate, I relax my mind and body and allow more complex understanding to bubble to the surface. As I return to my day after meditating, I can think clearly about what needs to be done, who needs my help, and what that help might be. These are precious moments – just like the moments when you first wake in the morning and your pure mind is still in control – when you are most aware of the universe and its messages. Once you dive back into your activities you tend to lose track of yourself to some extent and you are pulled in many directions by the information and people around you. As people hoard supplies and the media supports a dooms-day scenario, you lose track of yourself. And this situation is unprecedented and so it’s really easy to feel uncertain. In fact, uncertainty abounds.
Yet, there are some certainties. I am certain that
I’m the same person I was before all this uncertainty arrived. I am still talented, capable and resilient. So, by the way, are you!
I am still connected to the universe and everything in it. I am not alone. The world needs me just as it always has. It’s up to me to sort out how I can use my resilience, care for myself and others, and learn and grow from the experience.
This is not the last challenge I will face. I will look forward to getting through this situation and building my resilience so that I can live my life to the fullest and have a positive impact along the way.
How can you quiet your mind and find space for the calm that awaits you?